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Forest Oak Dog Training Club

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About the Club

Forest Oak Dog Training (FODT) is dedicated to promoting responsible dog ownership, to helping you develop a closer bond with your dog and learn how to maximise the enjoyment of each others company.

Our classes range from basic puppy, rescue and adult pet obedience training, trick training, Scentwork and Mantrailing, through to competition Heelwork to Music, Obedience, Hoopers Flyball and Agility.

FODT is proud to provide a relaxed, fun and friendly environment for you and your dog to train. Joining as a member has the added benefits of the unique and spacious training facilities at Forest Oak Farm. Classes and 121s are structured to enable you to recognize and build on your achievements and provide you with the stepping stones toward a happy and healthy partnership – be that for every day life or for competing in your favourite dog sport.

Click here to contact us for more information.

* Check out our Facebook Page for latest news, events and general doggie banter

*    Most classes are now back up and running, If you are interested in joining us please email us

Upcoming Competitions/Events

* Updated October 2023 *  

FODT Obedience League Dates - 28th October 2023, 9th December 2023, 6th January 2024


FOGCS KC Premier Heelwork to Music Show - 13&14th April 2024

FOGCS KC Open Obedience Show - 15th June 2024


Planned Closure Periods 2023

10th December 2023 - 7th January 2024 Christmas Break 


Please note there may be a small number of training activities during this period, these will be announced to the specific training groups that are affected, on facebook and here as appropriate.

Limited 121s will go ahead over this period - contact us for details.

Who should come to training?

Every dog and owner can benefit from training be that to live a stress free life or to have a bit of fun! We encourage everyone who is involved in walking, playing or lounging around with your dog get involved in the training. Children are always keen to get involved – by teaching them how to communicate with their dog, you'll find less mishaps occurring along the way. Dogs need a consistent style, tone and body language to follow, especially in the early days, so all the family should learn how to handle the dog too.

Dog training is not a 'one size fits all' solution, every dog is different and so are the owners – both in their particular needs and the kind of activities they enjoy makes each training journey unique. Contact us to find out what training might suit you and your dog either by calling 01594 840322 or by emailing us making sure you mention the Dog Training Club.

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